
  • You’ll probably want to relax for a while, taking a long, leisurely shower to wash off all the herbal oil. Sip some water to re-hydrate yourself and enjoy feeling calm, composed and balanced for the rest of the day.
  • Ayurvedic treatments cleanses the mind and senses. Make use of this time and avoid unnecessary stimulation after your treatment. Avoid large crowds (concerts, restaurants/bars, large gatherings) and make the remainder of your day peaceful. This is your time for mental rest.
  • It is advised to leave the oil in your hair for at least a few hours following the treatment. It’s best to leave the oil in your hair overnight.
  • Oil is generously applied during Abhyanga session and also all of our ayurveda therapies. Shirodhara session makes hair very oily. Please do not plan social events or outdoor events after your Ayurevda/ Shirodhara/ Panchakarma session. Try to rest staying indoor. You may shower after 2 hours after shirodhra to remove oil from hair as it is recommended to keep oil on the body for minimum 1 hour (ideally 24 hours) as it continues to heal cells after the therapy.
  • Prepare to cover your head following the treatment. If the weather is cool, windy or cold, bring an old warm hat, again something you don’t mind getting oil on. An old scarf works well to cover the head and hair in warmer weather. A plastic shower cap also works well.
  • We look forward to assist you in your wellbeing.

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